Why You Should Keep Amending Existing Content

Why You Should Keep Amending Existing Content

When it comes to producing content, a smart firm will apply all the main elements of search engine optimisation to give it the best chance of making page one of the rankings. This will include many things.

Among them are some familiar concepts such as keywords, clear images, embedded video and backlinks to authoritative content elsewhere.

All these are things a skilled SEO agency in Yorkshire can help you with, but there is another element you may also learn about; the need to keep refreshing existing content.

It can be easy to keep churning out content for your site in the form of blogs or new ‘evergreen’ pieces, while forgetting older items. True, a steady flow of content can help build up authority and this increases your SEO ranking, but it is also a valuable exercise to go back to older content and make some revisions.

There are various reasons for this. Some are obvious; if you write in the present tense about a situation and then matters change, an update is required. However, there are other ways in which you can improve the SEO of an article.

Firstly, keyword research may show that some keywords have become more prominent and others less so. You can respond to that by changing the text to remove some keywords that are declining in influence and replace them with new ones that have been getting more searches.

It is also worth checking over your embedded links. Over time some of the articles you have linked to will be taken down, with broken links harming SEO, not least because you lose the benefit of the authority they provide. That is why it makes sense to check these over and also to replace and update these to more relevant links over time.

By refreshing your content, you can maintain relevance, use the best keywords and ensure your links are spot on. Your SEO ranking will be much better as a result.