Anyone who has been producing content for SEO for many years will be aware of how search engine providers have changed their algorithms down the years to make sure the best and most relevant content is ranked highest.
That used to be about finding ways to eliminate spam or keyword stuffing, but over time it has become more refined as the focus has shifted towards relevance. The task of ensuring the best user experience has led to numerous amendments to provide further improvements.
What this means for businesses putting their content out there and hoping to enjoy first-page rankings is that they will be wise to keep leaning on the expertise of SEO consultants to keep up with the latest algorithm changes.
This is particularly relevant now, because it has been reported that Google may have just changed its algorithm again. An article in Search Engine Round Table flagged up some possible signs of an update, which are now being discussed on SEO forums.
Signals of possible changes include hitherto highly-ranked traffic vanishing from the first page and drop-offs in traffic, which various tracking tools have also picked up. A lot of content not normally seen at the top of the ranking pages has suddenly begun appearingĀ there.
If this is due to an algorithm change, you can be sure SEO experts will be all over it, tracking and analysing the details to find out what is going on.
This is where having expertise on hand is so valuable. If your current SEO strategy is no longer effective, you need to know as soon as possible what needs to change. It could be your keywords, it may be about article length, or it may be something in the area of technical SEO. It could be a mixture of things.
Experts are forever advising firms to look out for algorithm changes, but while news that something is afoot may emerge from time to time, it is with the help of the best experts that you can find the right way to respond.