E-Commerce For Beginners

E-Commerce For Beginners

The history of the internet and that of E-commerce goes hand in hand. The practice of exchanging goods and money over the internet, which has been prevalent for years on such sites as eBay and PayPal now encompasses a wide variety of different platforms offering various options to a design agency in Hull and elsewhere.

E-commerce occurs as business transactions, and as such there are different designations depending on what kind of business is being conducted. There is the common B2B or business to business deal, as well as B2C which stands for business to consumer. One can also find consumer to consumer transactions, as well as consumer to business.

So which E-commerce platforms are the best? To put it simply, there are thousands of platforms out there and they all offer something different. That being said, the very best are the ones which always show up in online recommendations and top ten lists, so let's break down which sites might just be best for your business.

Shopify is consistently rated highly on E-commerce websites, and with good reason as it has managed to establish itself as one of the leading points of online trade. The service is easy to use and offers an initial two week free trial so that you may get used to how it all works.

In essence, Shopify is WordPress for the online entrepreneur. Offering many different templates, it allows you to create your online store according to your own specifications. Described by one glowing review as an “optimal” platform for E-Commerce, it has certainly grown into one of the biggest in recent years.

There are of course numerous places to choose from. Taking in one recent list of the top rated E-Commerce platforms and you can see that besides Shopify there are at least ten more websites which can offer a fledgling online business valuable pointers in the right direction.

It is vital to shop around, research and discover which platform will truly be the best for your E-Commerce needs. Luckily this growing area of business is well documented, and the options available are rich and varied.